Ahmad Medix Pvt Limited

  • Tel: 042-35213441 - 42
  • Fax: 042-35153441
  • Email: sales@ahmadmedix.com
  • Website: www.ahmadmedix.com
  • Address: 129/6 Quaid E Azam Industrial Estate, Township (Kot Lakhpat), Lahore, Pakistan

Company Profile
Ahmad Medix (PVT) Ltd, established in 2001 is Pakistan’s Largest EN ISO Certified Manufacturer of Advanced Ambulances, Mobile Clinics, Fire Rescue, Disaster Response, and many other specialized and customized on wheels solutions The company has played a pivotal role in prehospital emergency and disaster management With over 20 years of experience, the company has produced over 10 000 specialized Life Care vehicles Collectively, these vehicles have rescued
and treated over 25 million patients, and has effectively responded to various disasters.
Supported by a skilled workforce of over 350 professionals, the company is adept in client needs assessment, feasibility studies, and the production of high quality solutions Through continuous research and development, Ahmad Medix has delivered significant cost savings to both government and private sectors while maintaining international standards, establishing itself as an industry leader.
Ambulances, Mobile Clinics, Disaster Response Vehicle, Luxury Vehicles, On-Wheels Customized Solutions.
Stall Information

Stall No's: Hall # 45 - H2-S6

Product Images